Red Light Camera Enforcement

redlight-pic-232x300DRIVERS TAKE NOTICEIn an effort to enhance safety at some of Hazel Crest’s most dangerous intersections, the Village Board approved the installation of an automated traffic enforcement system, also known as Red Light Cameras, for an intersection within the community.

The camera is currently operational at the intersection of 183rd and Pulaski. According to recent studies conducted by the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Red Light Camera Programs can decrease red light violations up to 60%.

Traffic accidents caused by red light runners are among the most serious, often resulting in severe injuries and fatalities. Studies have shown that approximately 1,000 people die and 176,000 people are injured annually in the United States because of drivers running red lights.

Red Light Running Photo Enforcement Analysis
  1. Right Turn on Red Without coming to a complete stop and
  2. Entering an intersection after the traffic signal has turned red.
A common misconception is that the cameras will be photographing everyone as they drive thru the community. In fact, sensors placed in the pavement activate the camera only when a vehicle enters the intersection during the red light cycle.

A total of 3 photographs will be taken plus 8-10 seconds of digital video. The images include: the car entering the red light intersection, the car passing thru the intersection and finally, a close-up of the license plate. All 3 images, plus a link to view the video footage on-line, will be provided to the vehicle’s registered owner who is mailed the violation. According to Illinois Law, it is illegal to photograph the faces of either drivers or passengers.